If the player earns enough to skip a reward level, for example by getting a jackpot at Slots, all skipped rewards will not be earned.The player will be banned from playing further, but can still cash out their chips. The player can earn more than the ban limit at a casino by winning a single large payoff, such as a large Slots jackpot.
See the various casino pages for the specific reward & ban levels and incentives for each casino. Eventually if the player wins enough, the casino will ban the player from gambling. The casinos offer rewards at various levels for players that win enough money.The player's Luck attribute affects the probability of winning the various gambling games.To enable gambling at the Vikki and Vance Casino, the player must complete the quest ( My Kind of Town) and a scripted encounter with Layla.The Tops also has Craps tables, but as of this time, the tables are just there for decoration, as Craps is not playable in Fallout: New Vegas.The following gambling games are offered at all casinos (except the Ultra-Luxe, which does not offer slots):Ībsinthe, Rum & Nuka, dapper gambler suit